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Spin riveting machine experts teach you how to eliminate riveting machine trouble?


Troubleshooting methods:

Hydraulic pressure gauge no indication (pressure gauge under normal conditions, pressure system generally does not have this fault)

The pressure gauge switch is not on

Turn on the pressure gauge switch (close after adjustment)

Hydraulic motor reversal

Commutation makes the motor rotation consistent with the mark

There is air in the hydraulic system

After continuous operation for ten minutes, if there is still no oil, slightly loosen the connection between the oil pipe and the oil pipe joint on the cover of the oil tank, open the artificial exhaust of the motor, and tighten the joint after oil.

The oil pump inlet and outlet tubing is loose

Reinstall in place

There is oil but no up and down movement (there is air pressure but no up and down movement)

Reaches the maximum value set by the counter

Press the reset button to clear

The electromagnet doesn't work

With a thin rod to the solenoid tail spool to the top, if there is up and down action, foot switch or electromagnet rectifier has a problem, can be used after normal maintenance.

The solenoid spool is stuck

Remove and reinstall the solenoid spool or replace

The appearance quality of automobile parts riveting machine is not good

The rivet head rotates badly

Replace bearing and hollow bushing

The shape of the riveting head is not suitable and the working surface is rough

Trim or replace the riveting head

The workpiece positioning clamping is not reliable

Clamp the rivet in line with the center of the rivet head

Improper adjustment

Adjust the riveting pressure, riveting process and riveting time

Spindle nut loose

Remove the spindle motor and re-lock the nut

Machine tool noise increases

The bearing in the spindle is damaged or the spindle nut is loose

Check and replace bearings and locking nuts

Motor malfunctioning

Repair or replace motor

Poor hydraulic system

Repair or replace hydraulic system related parts

The spill

Hydraulic oil viscosity is too low, oil deterioration

Replace the new N46HL hydraulic oil

Seal ring damage or aging

Replace the new sealing ring

Counter does not count

Reaches the set count value

Riveting head without up and down action, press reset button to clear

The counter rate is too large

To reset the multiplier, it is recommended to select ×1

Counter setting error

The counter has memory function, need to be preset before the power count value and multiplier, after the power preset invalid. If you need to reset, you should set the reset key and press the reset key again.

Counter and time relay failure

Such as determine counter and time relay damage

Counters and time relays are preconfigured with two complete circuits. When the one in use fails, the other circuit can be used. It is only necessary to reinstall the circuit according to the label on the appliance.



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